If there is a singular conversation starter about gender and money it is this:
Who pays on the first date?
As women make huge huge gains in family medical leave and gaining seats on corporate boards and in Congress, dating expectations barely budge. The status quo is that men pay on first dates. Last week NerdWallet released the results of a survey that found 77 percent of straight people believe men should pay on first dates — a sentiment held by 82 percent of men and 72 percent of women. I am one of those women. I have no financial reason not to pay for my own $29 grilled farm-raised salmon on a first outing with a man. But I really, really prefer if he cooly assumes the bill and slips the server his Visa.
It’s not about snagging a rich husband or a free meal.
It’s about sex.
A first date is about sex. Whether or not you are open to hooking up on a first counter is irrelevant. We marry for romantic love and date as a means of vetting others for romantic chemistry. It is not about learning about their financial status, because you very likely already have a sense about that if you met through friends, work or even online. It is about finding out if the pairing is ripe with that intangible, electric thing that happens between two people. While intellect, status and humor certainly inform that jolt, it all comes down to sexual compatibility.
Today, since we have evolved from wrestling wild animals for food, there are but a few clear and socially acceptable ways a man can express that masculinity that women so crave. Those ways include a few old-fashioned dating rituals like arranging the evening, opening doors and paying the bill. He does those things and it turns the woman on. Easy-peasy.
The other reason men should pay for dates? It’s easy-peasy. The navigation of gender politics is an anxiety-inducing daily grind. Women resent they earn less, care for children more and are expected to wax every last hair from their mons pubis before going on the date in the first place. Men are stricken with anxiety when they feel an innocent urge to compliment a female colleague on her cool new shoes, and resent their wives’ demands for equal work at home even when they earn most or all of the income. Interaction of the genders is a stressful, hot, messy Wild West with few rules and lots of proverbial gun-slinging.
By contrast, a first date guided by traditional gender roles offers the calming promise of established ritual and rules. When no one is battling a panic attack over who picks up the tab, everyone can relax, make googley eyes and luxuriate in the smoldering chemical fire for which each party waxed and groomed in the first place.
Over the past couple of years I have worked through my own conflicting feelings about who pays on a first date using two methods of research: 1) Going on lots of dates, and 2) Writing publicly about the topic in posts likethis and this, which always elicit heated debate about who should be bankrolling a couple’s first rounds of Grey Goose and tonic.
The essence of my internal mud-wrestling match — and that of many other professional women — is that I am an ardent feminist, committed to equal rights and equal pay for equal work. Logic follows that each person on a dates has equal responsibility for picking up the tab for the meal they just ate — especially if both can afford it. Yet when it comes to mating protocol — specifically first-date ritual — women crave something different than we demand in Washington and in our paychecks. We want a man who assumes the bill at the whiskey bar, and a man who takes over in bed.
The jury is out on whether women’s desire for dominant men is bred or learned, but the lust for the alpha male persists.
Boston University computational neuroscientists Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam in 2011 published A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire, which analyzed thousands of romance novels, forum posts and web searches (the bibliography contains more than 1,300 items) and found that women clearly prefer men who are “strong, confident and swaggering.”
Critics argue that the assumption that men will pay for a first date is now obsolete since women earn nearly as much as men. Further, it’s also a detriment to feminism, they claim, since it sets a precedent that the woman will forever be financially subordinate to the man in that relationship.
This is not the case. In the same 30 year-period that we have held fast to traditional habits about first-date paying, we have also enjoyed enormous gains in gender equality.
To wit: the pay gap has been narrowed from 36 cents on the man’s dollar in 1980 to 16 cents in 2013, women today make up 40 percent of family breadwinners, and since women eclipsed men in college degrees earned in 1982, their momentum is such that National Center for Education Statistics projects men will make up just 41 percent of college students by 2020. Yes, there is much work to do on nearly all fronts of gender equality. But there is much to celebrate in a half-century of feminism. If nothing more, proof is in the fact I can indeed pay for my own $29 farm-raised grilled salmon even though my date nearly always insists on springing for it.
And this is how it should be. A man’s desire to pay for a first date does not automatically translate into how he votes on abortion, whether he engages in catcalls or will discourage his wife from attending graduate school. Nor does a woman’s desire for a man to pick up the tab indicate she is a gold-digger.
Now, allow me to remind you I am talking about the theatric ritual of first dates. Long-term, neither gender can afford to expect men to take full financial responsibility — and we don’t.
A 2013 study called “Who Pays for Dates? Following versus Challenging Conventional Gender Norms,” based on a poll of 17,000 people (which found attitudes about first-date paying nearly identical to that of NerdWallet), revealed that both men and women expect for her to share expenses as the relationship continues — well into the long-term. That Chapman University study found that within the first month, 4 in 10 men and women agreed that dating expenses were at least partially shared, and 74 percent of men and 83 percent of women reported some sharing of expenses by month six.
In real life, I see this is in fact what transpires — including in my own romantic life. As a couple gets to know each other, they determine who can afford what, what each other’s tastes are and how to sort out finances in an equitable way. And since people tend to date along economic and class lines, a bi-lateral chipping-in is in order shortly after the white-hot first date is over.