
2015年3月19日 星期四

出國打包清單。Packing List.













Important Documents and Necessities/重要文件與必需品

Passport, visa(s) and photocopies / 護照

E-tickets / 電子機票

Cruise documents /簽證

Local current / 當地貨幣

Cash / 現金

Money belt/pouch / 錢包

Hotel reservations / 飯店預約憑證

Hotel Contact info and map info / 飯店聯絡資訊與住址

Guidebook(s) / 行程表或旅遊導覽 

Traveler's checks / 旅行支票

Credit and ATM cards / 信用卡及ATM提款卡

Car rental confirmations / 租車憑證

Driver's license and photocopy / 駕照及影本

Calling card /電話卡

Contact info for credit card companies / 信用卡公司聯絡方式

Profile photos * 2 / 大頭照 *2

Day pack

Insurance information

Medical and vaccination records

Membership cards (AAA, frequent flier)

Personal Items and Hygiene

Toothpaste / 牙膏

Toothbrush / 牙刷

Towel&wash cloth / 毛巾

Face wash / 洗面乳

Nail clippers / 指甲剪

Razors and shaving cream/ 刮鬍刀

Shampoo / 洗髮乳

Soap / 香皂

Tissues&paper towels / 衛生紙 

Conditioner / 收納盒

Hair dryer / 吹風機

Contact lenses and solution / 隱形眼鏡

Cologne&perfume /  香水

Body lotion / 乳液

Clothesline / 曬衣繩


Cotton swabs 

Curling iron/hair straightener

Deodorant / 防臭劑

Eye drops

Face wash

Feminine hygiene products

Floss / 牙線


Hairbrush or comb

Hair care products / 護髮產品

Hand sanitizer / 手部消毒劑

Lip balm / 護唇膏

Moist towelettes /濕紙巾

Mouthwash /漱口水

Toiletry bag / 化妝袋

Universal sink stopper / 水槽塞

Woolite packets/ 衣物柔軟精

Clothing and Accessories
Beach cover-upBeltComfortable walking shoes
Dress(es)Dress shoesExtra hangers
Gloves/mittensHiking bootsJacket/fleece
JewelryKnit hatLong underwear
Pajamas/sleepwearPants/trousersRain boots
ShirtsShortsShower shoes
Suits and tiesSweatersSweatshirts
UnderwearWatchWater shoes
Wide-brimmed hat

Medications and Health
Allergy pillsAnti-itch creamBandages
Cold medicineContraceptivesFirst-aid kit
Herbal supplementsMalaria tabletsMotion sickness remedies
Nausea and diarrhea remediesPain relieversPrescriptions
Sleep medicationsVitaminsWater purification method

Camera and chargerCell phone and chargerConverters and adapters
Extension cord(s)Extra memory cards or filmGPS
Laptop and accessoriesMP3 playerPDA
Shortwave radioSpare batteriesTablet/e-reader
Travel alarm clockUnderwater cameraVideo camera and charger

On the Plane
Books or magazinesEarplugsEye mask
Inflatable pillowQuart-size bag for liquids/gelsTravel blanket
TSA-approved luggage locks

In the Car
AntifreezeDriving directionsIce scraper
Jumper cablesKeysMaps
Motor oilPillow and blanketSpare tire or donut
Windshield wiper fluid

Beach, Camping and Outdoors
Air mattressBeach bagBeach towel
BinocularsCamping stove/fuelCan opener
Insect repellentLighterShortwave radio
Sleeping bagSunglassesSunscreen
TentTrekking polesUmbrella
Water bottle

Baby foodBaby powderBaby shampoo
BibsBirth certificateBottles/sippy cup
Car seatCD's/DVD'sChanging pad
Child's toilet seatChildren's booksChildren's pain reliever
Coloring booksCrayons/markersDiapers
DollExtra clothesFood/snacks
Formula or juiceHighchairInfant carrier
Kid-friendly cameraNursing padsPacifiers
Playing cardsPortable cribPortable DVD player
Portable playpenStrollerStuffed animals
Sun hatSwim diapersToys
Travel gamesWaterproof sheetsVideo games

Address bookCoolerChewing gum
CorkscrewDrinksDouble-sided/duct tape
Plastic bagsSewing kitSnacks
Swiss army knife

