Important Documents and Necessities/重要文件與必需品
Passport, visa(s) and photocopies / 護照
E-tickets / 電子機票
Cruise documents /簽證
Local current / 當地貨幣
Cash / 現金
Money belt/pouch / 錢包
Hotel reservations / 飯店預約憑證
Hotel Contact info and map info / 飯店聯絡資訊與住址
Guidebook(s) / 行程表或旅遊導覽
Traveler's checks / 旅行支票
Credit and ATM cards / 信用卡及ATM提款卡
Car rental confirmations / 租車憑證
Driver's license and photocopy / 駕照及影本
Calling card /電話卡
Contact info for credit card companies / 信用卡公司聯絡方式
Profile photos * 2 / 大頭照 *2
Day pack
Insurance information
Medical and vaccination records
Membership cards (AAA, frequent flier)
Personal Items and Hygiene
Toothpaste / 牙膏
Toothbrush / 牙刷
Towel&wash cloth / 毛巾
Face wash / 洗面乳
Nail clippers / 指甲剪
Razors and shaving cream/ 刮鬍刀
Shampoo / 洗髮乳
Soap / 香皂
Tissues&paper towels / 衛生紙
Conditioner / 收納盒
Hair dryer / 吹風機
Contact lenses and solution / 隱形眼鏡
Hair dryer / 吹風機
Contact lenses and solution / 隱形眼鏡
Cologne&perfume / 香水
Body lotion / 乳液
Clothesline / 曬衣繩 Cosmetics Cotton swabs Curling iron/hair straightener Deodorant / 防臭劑 Eye drops Face wash Feminine hygiene products Floss / 牙線 Glasses Hairbrush or comb Hair care products / 護髮產品 Hand sanitizer / 手部消毒劑 Lip balm / 護唇膏 Moist towelettes /濕紙巾 Mouthwash /漱口水 Toiletry bag / 化妝袋 Universal sink stopper / 水槽塞 Woolite packets/ 衣物柔軟精 |
Beach cover-up | Belt | Comfortable walking shoes |
Dress(es) | Dress shoes | Extra hangers |
Gloves/mittens | Hiking boots | Jacket/fleece |
Jewelry | Knit hat | Long underwear |
Pajamas/sleepwear | Pants/trousers | Rain boots |
Raincoat | Sandals | Scarf |
Shirts | Shorts | Shower shoes |
Slippers | Socks | Stockings |
Suits and ties | Sweaters | Sweatshirts |
Swimsuit | Sneakers | T-shirts |
Underwear | Watch | Water shoes |
Wide-brimmed hat |
Medications and Health
Allergy pills | Anti-itch cream | Bandages |
Cold medicine | Contraceptives | First-aid kit |
Herbal supplements | Malaria tablets | Motion sickness remedies |
Nausea and diarrhea remedies | Pain relievers | Prescriptions |
Sleep medications | Vitamins | Water purification method |
Camera and charger | Cell phone and charger | Converters and adapters |
Extension cord(s) | Extra memory cards or film | GPS |
Laptop and accessories | MP3 player | PDA |
Shortwave radio | Spare batteries | Tablet/e-reader |
Travel alarm clock | Underwater camera | Video camera and charger |
Walkie-talkies |
On the Plane
Books or magazines | Earplugs | Eye mask |
Inflatable pillow | Quart-size bag for liquids/gels | Travel blanket |
TSA-approved luggage locks |
In the Car
Antifreeze | Driving directions | Ice scraper |
Jumper cables | Keys | Maps |
Motor oil | Pillow and blanket | Spare tire or donut |
Windshield wiper fluid |
Beach, Camping and Outdoors
Air mattress | Beach bag | Beach towel |
Binoculars | Camping stove/fuel | Can opener |
Compass/GPS | Cutlery/dishes | Flashlight |
Insect repellent | Lighter | Shortwave radio |
Sleeping bag | Sunglasses | Sunscreen |
Tent | Trekking poles | Umbrella |
Water bottle |
Baby food | Baby powder | Baby shampoo |
Bibs | Birth certificate | Bottles/sippy cup |
Car seat | CD's/DVD's | Changing pad |
Child's toilet seat | Children's books | Children's pain reliever |
Coloring books | Crayons/markers | Diapers |
Doll | Extra clothes | Food/snacks |
Formula or juice | Highchair | Infant carrier |
Kid-friendly camera | Nursing pads | Pacifiers |
Playing cards | Portable crib | Portable DVD player |
Portable playpen | Stroller | Stuffed animals |
Sun hat | Swim diapers | Toys |
Travel games | Waterproof sheets | Video games |
Wipes |
Address book | Cooler | Chewing gum |
Corkscrew | Drinks | Double-sided/duct tape |
Highlighters | Journal | Pen(s) |
Plastic bags | Sewing kit | Snacks |
Swiss army knife |